Climate Equity Action Plan

Two adults kneeling with a group of children in the woods. All are looking down at the gorund.

Nobody is immune to the impacts of climate change but underrecognized communities tend to face more severe effects.

Ramsey County's Climate Equity Action Plan outlines specific actions the county will take including:

Overarching goals and activities

Collaborate and communicate Collaborate and communicate

Plan and prepare Plan and prepare

Build capacity to respond Build capacity to respond

Focus areas

The plan has six focus areas, with actions listed in each area to address climate change in Ramsey County:

Community engagement and plan development

In 2022 the county developed a strategic priority to partner with community to reduce greenhouse gas and help community survive and thrive in changing climate conditions.

County staff worked with community members to develop a Climate Equity Action Plan. They used the state's climate action framework as a guide.

The county's Climate Action Equity Plan includes near-, middle-, and long-term actions planned to respond to climate change and increase community resilience.

County department leaders and staff provided insight and connections to related county efforts and plans. Community members shared their related concerns, needs and priorities.

This review process kept the expectations of the Climate Equity Action Plan realistic.

The group considered: