831(b) Captives Listed Transaction Comments Due June 12

IRS written on a sign next to a big stack of papers

Editor's Note: Johnson Lambert contributes this thought leadership article summarizing proposed regulations IR2023-74 and reminds us that comments are due to the IRS by June 12, 2023, and a public hearing in regard to these regulations is scheduled for July 19, 2023, at 10 a.m.

The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service recently issued proposed regulations IR2023-74. The proposed regulations clarify what it means to be a transaction of interest and include parameters where a micro-captive may now be considered a listed transaction. The IRS defines a micro-captive as a nonlife insurance company that has made an election to be taxed under §831(b) in lieu of the tax imposed under §831(a).

In the proposed regulations, the IRS went one step further and deemed certain micro-captives as listed transactions.

The proposed regulations are in response to Notice 2016-66. Notice 2016-66 was released by the IRS on November 1, 2016, and identified certain micro-captive transactions as transactions of interest. The notice designated micro-captives as a transaction of interest if they had either a loss ratio of less than 70 percent or made financing available directly or indirectly to an insured, or a person related to an insured, at any time in the most recent 5 taxable years. A recent ruling in the Sixth Circuit determined that the IRS lacks authority to identify transactions of interest and listed transactions by notice (rendering Notice 2016-66 invalid) and must instead identify such transactions by following the notice and public comments period that apply to regulations. The proposed regulations identify two categories of micro-captive as listed transactions. Each one of these categories involves a captive insurer and a related party. For a micro-captive to be a listed transaction, it must have the following.