Teacher Course Evaluations

Each term, teacher course evaluations are conducted for the main purpose of supplementing the guidance of professors, academic advisors and student peers in the course selection process. They are also an instrumental tool for improving the quality of the instruction students receive. Traditionally, teacher course evaluations were conducted using paper forms; however, in fall 2011, the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School of Engineering began conducting evaluations online using Course Evaluations & Surveys (formerly EvaluationKit).

Numeric Results for Course Evaluations

The teacher course evaluations consist of a series of Likert-scale questions and 4 open-ended questions. The results of the Likert-scale questions are publicly available using the following link:

Current Course Evaluations (Fall 2022-Present)*

Faculty copies of the full results (Fall 2022 onward) for course sections can be obtained by logging into Canvas or directly through Course Evaluations & Surveys.

If using Canvas: