Home Repair and Modification Assistance

If you are struggling to afford necessary home repairs or need help making modifications to your home such as installing grab bars or wheelchair ramps, WHRC can help connect you with programs in your area that match your unique needs.

Learn more about what assistance may be available to you.
Call our hotline at 877-894-4663 or send us a message to talk with an information & referral specialist.

Senior or elderly woman using a bathroomhandle for security

Do you need help now?

Use our online portal or the hotline number to contact us. Free interpretation services are available by phone in over 220 languages.

A young female homeowner in her house trying to stop a leak in her bathroom sink.

Keep up with Maintenance

Many new homeowners may not realize that there are on-going maintenance needs associated with owning a home. When you rent, the majority of unforeseen problems such as water damage, clogged drains, or broken appliances are covered by the landlord. Keeping up on crucial preventative measures can help you save on your utility bills and avoid costly repairs later on. Use this Maintenance Checklist as a guide to keeping your home in tip top shape.