Human Rights Campaign Denounces Trump’s 2024 Bid for President, Vows to Work to ‘Ensure Trump Forever Remains a One-Term President’

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Human Rights Campaign — America’s largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization — released the following statement in response to former President Donald Trump’s announcement that he will run for a second presidential term.

“We in the LGBTQ+ community have watched over the past seven years as Donald Trump’s hateful language and discriminatory policies have emboldened waves of bigotry, disinformation and violence,” said Human Rights Campaign Interim President Joni Madison. “Even as Republican voters have become increasingly supportive of LGBTQ+ people – registering majority approval of nondiscrimination projections and marriage equality – he and his extremist MAGA supporters have worked tirelessly to try to slander and demonize us, our relationships, and our families. His time in office saw a relentless onslaught of unconscionable executive orders that made it harder to live as an LGBTQ+ person in this country.

“A majority of Americans rejected Donald Trump twice, and we expect that voters will again reject his malevolent, dystopian vision for our country. Trumpism failed again in this year’s midterm election, with his endorsed candidates rejected by voters in crucial Senate, gubernatorial, and down ballot races in states such as Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. In 2024, he is bound to fail once again, and the Human Rights Campaign will work to mobilize the 62 million ‘Equality Voters’ — for whom LGBTQ+ equality is a make-or-break issue — to stand together in opposition to his candidacy, and to ensure Trump forever remains a one-term president.”

Trump’s Timeline of Hate

Trump is largely regarded as one of the most viciously anti-LGBTQ+, anti-woman, anti-Black and Latinx, and anti-democratic politicians of all time. During his four years in office, HRC maintained a running list of discriminatory and irresponsible actions taken by the Trump administration. Trump’s Timeline of Hate calls attention to the flood of incomprehensibly reckless and harmful policies and statements during his disgraceful time in office, including these lowlights:

In the Workplace

In Health Care

In Schools

In Housing

In Families

In Representation

HRC’s Commitment to Mobilizing Equality Voters

Equality Voters are a voting bloc of demographically and geographically diverse Americans who are united by the advancement of LGBTQ+ equality. Equality Voters are younger, more racially diverse, and more female than the general electorate, they recognize and trust the HRC brand, and they are more likely to identify with issue-specific organizations than candidates or political parties.

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.

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